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The Woke Virus and Its Adopted Marxist Origins

Writer's picture: EdEd

Wokism is unfortunately alive and well in our society. It’s an ideological virus that permeates from institutions to our culture. To understand how it got this far into our society we have to understand it’s origins and how it came to be today. I will later on also discuss how certain aspects of Communism has infused itself with being "woke".

Wokism just didn’t exist from nowhere, it was a term first used back in 1940s by African Americans saying “literally mean becoming woken up or sensitized to issues of justice”, as stated by linguist and lexicographer Tony Thorne.

Or by text book definition according to the Merriam Webster the term means, “aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)”

The term soon became widespread and evolved as it became increasingly imbedded in popular American culture especially within the music industry.

One of many instances was back in 1971 according to the Independent article, “the phrase was used in a play by American playwright Barry Beckham titled Garvey Lives!, in which he wrote: “I been sleeping all my life. And now that Mr Garvey done woke me up, I’m gon’ stay woke. And I’m gon’ help him wake up other black folk.”

So from its initial definition it was evolving and taking a different path as it became more embedded within American and eventually British culture. It started to slowly become associated with politics.

As exampled by the Independent article here:

“…thanks to singer Erykah Badu, who used the phrase “I stay woke” in her 2008 song Master Teacher.” As the article continues: “David Stovall, a professor of African-American studies at the University of Illinois, Chicago, told the New York Times that Ms Badu’s use of the phrase meant “not being placated, not being anaesthetised”.

It then became politiziced in 2014 after the death of Micheal Brown, a case in Ferguson, Missouri which triggered the start of the Black Lives Matter Movement (BLM) as pointed out by The Independent.

According to The Independent, it was then officially added in the Oxford English Dictionary in 2017 with political meanings included. One such definition was “being ‘aware’ or ‘well-informed’ in a political or cultural sense”. It evolved into an all-encompassing term to associate leftist political ideology, used as a “shorthand for people on the left”.

If you think the term's meaning stops there, then we are underestimating its impact of not just years being in culture but of all of this time impacting our public and private institutions. According to the National Interest article, it mentions how 'Wokism'' inputs itself into much more established forms and causes of intersectionality politics from older Marxist roots.

This includes Marxism such as, identity politics, critical race theory, the fight for equity, and other Far- Left ideological elements of Communism.

As the article puts it, "Angela Sailor, vice president of The Feulner Institute at The Heritage Foundation, said that “pervasive trends under the guise of equality makes diversity training in government, and corporate America, and schools, destructive, divisive, and harmful.”

Communists use forms of intersectionality politics which existed in the 1960s. Intersectionality encompasses everything that we have seen that Communists and Far Leftists have in general used for political influence. Intersectionality means according to the Merriam Webster definition is, "the complex, cumulative way in which the effects of multiple forms of discrimination (such as racism, sexism, and classism) combine, overlap, or intersect especially in the experiences of marginalized individuals or groups". Basically, what we now call "progressivism"

In its more modern versions, we now have politicians such as Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC) among other Progressive Democrat politicians in what we typically associate them to modern day "Progressive" politics.

In other words the term "woke" or "wokism" especially in the political world has been used by Communistic elements to change and influence our modern-day institutions. To instill "progressive" politics which now has infected the current Democratic Party of today. As what the New Course article has stated, "James Lindsay articulates how intersectionality arose from the Critical Marxist Theory of Herbert Marcuse in the late 1960s..."

It goes on to say how Intersectionality is in fact from Marxist origin as stated here, "That link can be found in the Black Feminist organization known as the Combahee River Collective, which published a manifesto-like statement in 1977 that lays out intersectionality 12 years before Crenshaw ever wrote about it. In the Combahee River Collective Statement of 1977, then, we can find the first articulation of what intersectionality is really about and see unambiguously its deep Marxist roots, cementing the claim that it is, in fact, Identity Marxism.

In fact a video explaining further on this can be found here: The True History of Intersectionality - New Discourses or on YouTube below at:

So now we know and must be wary of the dangers that include "wokism" or "woke politics". One must be vigilant of what that entails when we hear public figures espouse a destructive and divisive Communistic ideology in our society.

To display the immense threat it imposes, it doesn't take much to see that it doesn't spare any prisoners that not even the son of one the richest man of the world wasn't immune from it. Elon Musk's son was unfortunately one of the most prominent victims to fall under the “Woke mind virus”

Thankfully it seems the tides are turning and the counter culture is arising especially from leading figures such as Elon Musk himself who vows to defeat the virus that took his son.

In his own words, “My son Xavier is dead, killed by the woke mind virus," as was quoted in the Le Monde article.

He described what happened to one of his oldest sons by describing it as, "child mutilation and sterilization." When his son decided to become a trans individual or risk becoming suicidal he obliged in order to keep his son’s well-being stable.

He confirmed this in the interview described in the USAToday article with Psychologist and political commentator Dr. Jordan Peterson that, "I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys," going on to say, "This was really before I had any understanding of what was going on, and we had COVID going on, so there was a lot of confusion and I was told (Musk's child) might commit suicide."

As with any reasonable parent they would do what it takes to protect their own children from danger.

He was then misled and deceived stating, "I was tricked into doing this," continuing, "I lost my son, essentially. They call it 'deadnaming' for a reason. The reason they call it ‘deadnaming’ is because your son is dead."

After all of this unfortunate circumstance, his personal experience about his son falling ill to the Woke virus has set him up on a course to confront the disease plaguing our nation.

Concluding in his own statement, ”I vowed to destroy the woke mind virus after that," Musk said. "And we’re making some progress."

I would agree that we are making progress against one of the biggest threats against our own country. As Musk puts it quite nicely, "arguably one of the greatest threats to modern civilization."

We still have more progress to do as the war against Communism’s newest version of Marxism rages on. As Musk in another interview has also said “Wokism” is the rebranded version of Communism. As said in this video below:

So in conclusion any form of Woke ideology has clearly evolved into the newest generation of Marxism. It’s hell bent on destroying our current institutions and our society of today.

The supporters of woke politics are only seeking to sow instability on our already besieged institution. To give them credit is an understatement as for decades they have done extensive damage to our society infecting everything it touches.

Like a pathogen, it infects the most vulnerable hearts and minds not just politically but culturally which adds its potency. This evil Marxist ideology can only get strong if we let it live through our silence and inactions.

Communism breeds and reflects the worst of parts of our human nature as a whole. Even then for Communists the classical sense of human nature is tossed out and revised to fit the Communist perspective.

To back this up, according to Karl Marx, one of the founders of Communism, has rejected the traditional sense of human nature by writing, “In the sixth Theses on Feuerbach (1845), Marx criticizes the traditional conception of human nature as a species which incarnates itself in each individual, instead arguing that human nature is formed by the totality of social relations.”

Paraphrasing here that Marx’s views is an attempt to redefine human nature as more collective which implies the requirement of lessening or outright dismissing the existence or concept of “individualism” and equating all humans as “universal”. To me that sounds like failing to recognize the individualistic characteristics of ambition and the human need to get rewarded.

Thankfully it only takes the best aspect of human nature of ourselves to neutralize it and keep it from ever becoming a threat.

Fortunately there is a major shift happening as the antidote to the woke mind virus is rising. US Nationalists, through information and awareness, emotionally and logically must feel confident and stand firm for what we believe in. It only takes a pushback to preserve and defend against the worst ideas ever made by mankind.

The answer to Communism are our values that are embedded with Our Constitution. Culturally all it takes to counter wokism is by exercising the healthiest parts of human nature as much as we can. Only then we can cure ourselves from wokism and break free from the many chains of Communism.

(Cited Sources):

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